ФОТО: Бидний сэтгэлд үүрд оршино, Д.Марадона

Хөлбөмбөгийн хорхойтнуудын хайртай тамирчин, XX зууны хамгийн алдартай хөлбөмбөгчдийн нэг, домогт хөлбөмбөгчин Диего Марадоны 60 насандаа зүрхний шигдээс өвчний улмаас нас барсан билээ.

People gather to mourn the death of Argentine football legend Diego Maradona outside San Paolo stadium in Naples November 25, 2020. — Reuters pic

Аргентинчуудын бахархал, үндэсний бахархал түүнийг сүүлчийн замд нь үдэх ёслол “Каса Розада” ордонт болов. Улмаар Д.Марадоныг “Белла Виста” гэдэг оршуулгын газарт оршуулжээ.

Argentina mourns Diego Maradona, the enigma who did 'everything better and  bigger, but fell more dangerously and darker' - CNN
Soccer fans hold a vigil for Diego Maradona outside the stadium of Argentinos Juniors soccer club.
If you love football, you love Maradona' | The Daily Star
Argentina mourns as Maradona's coffin reaches presidential palace | Latin  America News | Al Jazeera
An immense sadness': Argentina mourns death of Maradona | Prothom Alo
Argentina's soccer fans weep for superhero Diego Maradona Boca Juniors Life  home Diego Maradona Argentina | The Independent
Diego Maradona's Career Had Its Share of Highs, Lows | Voice of America -  English
Adios Diego': Maradona buried as world mourns flawed soccer great |  MorungExpress | morungexpress.com
A boy touches a mural of Maradona outside the stadium of Argentinos Juniors football club. [Marcos Brindicci/AP Photo]
People gather to mourn the death of the football legend outside the Diego Armando Maradona stadium. [Martin Villar/Reuters]
A neighbour points at a young Maradona in a photo where he is lining up with a local football team, in front of the house where he was born at the Villa Fiorito neighbourhood in Buenos Aires. [Natacha Pisarenko/AP Photo]
A man wearing a shirt with Maradona's face cries outside the stadium of the Argentinos Juniors football club, where he started as a professional footballer. [Marcos Brindicci/AP Photo]
Flowers and a picture are seen as people gather to mourn Maradona's death outside San Paolo stadium in Naples [Ciro De Luca/Reuters]
Fans Pay Tribute To Maradona In Napoli - glbnews.com
I represent the nobodies': Maradona, the 'barrio' boy in Naples - France 24
Энэ мэдээнд өгөх таны үнэлгээ

АНХААРУУЛГА: Уншигчдын бичсэн сэтгэгдэлд Eguur.mn хариуцлага хүлээхгүй болно. Манай сайт ХХЗХ-ны журмын дагуу зүй зохисгүй зарим үг, хэллэгийг хязгаарласан тул Та сэтгэгдэл бичихдээ бусдын эрх ашгийг хүндэтгэн үзнэ үү.

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